Take care of your eyes every day!

Avoid Computer Vision Syndrome!

If the last century was called the electrical age, this century can be called the electronic age. The revolution in the field of electronics has drastically changed our modern life. Today there is no one who does not have a cell phone in hand. We keep seeing electronic screens in various forms like TV, computer, laptop, tablet. We stay awake until two or three in the night, engrossed in WhatsApp chats and YouTube videos.

Sleeping late at night and waking up late in the morning has turned our lifestyle upside down in this electronic age. The average computer worker spends more than half of a day staring at a computer screen. Ophthalmologists say whether it is good or not to keep working the eyes like this. Since most of the time of a day is spent staring at electronic screens, the chances of eye damage are high. This is called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

Why are the eyes affected?

Our eyes have evolved over millions of years to look at natural light. They are only naturally accustomed to such light and scenes. Generally, our eyes tend to squint when we look at scenes that emit a lot of light. Also, our eyeballs dilate when we look closely at any object. It is like a camera lens zooming. Eyes that zoom like this should return to normal. While looking at TV and computer screens, the eyes have to remain zoomed in for a long time. Due to this, the contractility of the eye is affected.

Also, on an average our eyelids tend to blink 15-20 times per minute. Blinking is a reflex action. Blinking is a beautiful arrangement by nature to keep moisture in the eye steady and protect the eyes. Blinking is affected when looking at computer screens for long periods of time. This also causes damage to the eyes.

What are the effects?

Although computer vision syndrome does not cause major damage, the optic nerves are affected, causing various effects including visual impairment, watery eyes, itching and irritation. Also, turning off all the lights and watching mobile screen, TV later in the night can affect the eyes. When we sleep in the deep darkness of midnight, the hormone melatonin is secreted.

It is a hormone that is essential for keeping our brain active and keeping our body’s metabolic functions in order. It is a hormone that controls basic functions like hunger, sleep and digestion by overruling the brain and thereby the entire body, just like overruling a car. This melatonin secretion is affected by watching cell phone, TV, computer late at night. This causes unnecessary physical and mental problems.

Well, is it possible to not use anything like computer, TV, mobile to cause so much problem? Definitely not. We are not living in the stone age. But how to use these products. Knowing the simple tricks to protect your eyes can help you avoid CVS completely.

Light please

It is important to have adequate lighting in the room where the computer is used. Do not use the computer in a dark, dimly lit room or in a room with lots of light. Also, it is better to have the light coming from the side of the computer screen. It is good for the eyes to avoid sitting with light directly above the head. Fluorescent and LED bulbs of moderate brightness can be used.

No Clare

Avoiding glare on the computer screen is very important. If there is a window, door, or electric light behind the computer screen, the light will cause glare on the screen. Thus, the eyes are affected by continuously looking at the monitor with glare. People who wear glasses may also suffer from the problem of glare. “Antireflective” glasses can be used as they are anti-glare in nature.

Switch to an LCD/LED monitor

Older model CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors do not have an antireflective coating. This may cause eye damage to some people. Hence, it is better to use LCD/ LED monitors. Monitors with higher resolution are easier on the eyes. Resolution is determined by the number of pixels known as `dotpitch’. Generally, fewer light points produce more accurate images. The display has less than 0.28mm pixels which is good for the eyes.

Contact lens focus

Contact lens wearers are more likely to develop CVS. In particular, it is said that the chances of suffering from problems such as eye irritation are four times higher when looking at the computer continuously. The use of silicone hydrogel contact lenses is somewhat better than regular contact lenses. Cleaning the contact lens in a clean solution is also essential.

Change the display settings

Adjusting the display settings can do some good. In general, the monitor’s brightness should be the same as the brightness of the environment around you. Natural light that doesn’t squint or squint is best. The ‘text size’ of visible characters on the monitor should always be normal to contrast. When working and reading long document files, it is better to have black characters on a white background. When reading continuously, you can read with large characters and then change them to normal size.

There is an option called “Color Temperature”. This indicates the amount of light emitted by the computer screen. Blue light has a shorter wavelength. Therefore, it is more straining on the eyes. As red and orange have longer wavelengths, they affect the eyes somewhat less. A good way to protect the eyes is by lowering the color temperature, reducing the wavelengths.

Exercises for the eyes

Constantly staring at a computer with dry eyes can tire the eyes and nerves. There is a simple exercise called 20:20:20 to overcome this. That means looking at an object 20 feet away (preferably green) for 20 seconds without blinking every 20 minutes while working on a computer. By doing this, farsightedness and nearsightedness problems will not occur. By growing indoor plants near the computer, the green color of the plant will give some rest to the eyes.

Blink time

Blinking helps keep the eyes moist without drying them out. Blinking is affected when using a computer for long periods of time. Some blinks become incomplete and become half-blinks. Due to this, the water in the eyes evaporates rapidly. Keep blinking your eyes for a few seconds every hour. Then sit with your eyes closed for a few seconds and resume the task. This exercise will keep the eyelids functioning. Thus, adequate moisture is retained in the eyes. The optic nerves are protected.

People with dry eye problems can consult a doctor and avoid ‘artificial tear drops’. Do not confuse this with eye drops that are given to relieve redness. Eye drops contain chemicals that constrict blood vessels to relieve redness. This is not to say that it will cure eye dryness or irritation.

Rest must

Rest is essential for any job. To avoid problems like computer vision syndrome, neck pain, shoulder pain etc., take adequate breaks between continuous computer use. Instead of sitting and working all day, get up and take a walk at least every two hours. Stretch your arms, legs, neck, and do eye exercises. Do not watch mobile phone, TV, computer late at night. Avoid looking at electronic screens for at least an hour before going to bed. This improves the secretion of melatonin during sleep.

Eye friendly working environment

While typing while looking at the paper, there are chances of eye strain due to alternating between looking at the computer screen and the paper. To avoid this, you can place a book or paper near the monitor and place it on a stand. But it is also important to have enough light on the paper. A computer screen should be at an angle of 40 degrees from eye level. Also, it is good to have at least half a meter distance between the eyes and the computer screen.
Work while seated in an ergonomic chair

Understanding preserves the posture of the body. Protects from body pains such as neck pain, hand pain, back pain, hip pain. Eye examination is a must. (i.e. watching artificial lights like cinema screen, electronic screen) Therefore, it is better for everyone, not just those who wear glasses, to visit an ophthalmologist once a year and get their eyes checked. Then, you can get advice on how you use the computer and how much time you use it.

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