Basic to healthy living

Eat less foods rich in fat and carbohydrates and more foods rich in protein and vitamins. With the changing lifestyle, our diet has also changed. We have changed the quantity and time of food according to our needs. They don’t think about the consequences.

Improper diet can increase the amount of fat in the body and imbalance of hormones can also occur. So it is better to take smaller meals in small intervals. Some people eat like this 5 days a week and go to their favorite restaurants on the weekend to binge eat.

Due to this, there is fatigue and a longing in the mind on weekdays and the body weight does not decrease. Diet is one of the reasons why many people get diabetes at an early age. Generally after the age of 30 one should follow the food pyramid. T

his means eating less foods rich in fat and carbohydrates and more foods rich in protein and vitamins. Water plays an important role in cleaning our body inside and out. Drink water every morning on an empty stomach. Some people can’t or don’t like to drink water often.

They can drink buttermilk, lemon juice, watermelon juice etc. Drinking water like this may be difficult at first but eventually you will get used to it. Everyone should understand that balanced diet is the basis for a healthy life…!

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