Is Summer Napping Healthy?

When the brain and body are overworked from morning to afternoon, the brain and body automatically ask for rest to relax. Many people think that ‘sleeping during the day will increase body weight’. But that is wrong. The danger is if the stomach eats a lot of food and sleeps for a long time.

For women who work tirelessly at home, daytime naps are inevitable. Most of the housewives today have a routine of daytime naps. Not only housewives, but also working people have to observe daytime naps during holidays. We sleep 6 to 8 hours a night.

There is a difference between sleeping during the day in winter and sleeping during the day in summer. During summer, the body becomes dehydrated due to longer daylight hours and higher temperatures. This makes the brain tired.

When the brain and body are overworked from morning to afternoon, the brain and body automatically ask for rest to relax. If you sleep for 15 minutes during that time, the body parts will become active. A few people are engaged in non-physical activities that give more work to the brain.

Due to excessive fatigue in such people, sometimes the brain goes into sleep mode. Thus, at the time of falling asleep automatically, there is nothing wrong with taking a ten-minute rest. This does not increase body weight. Taking a nap during the day increases brain activity and improves intelligence.

Naps during the day are good for the heart. Blood pressure will decrease. Helps boost memory, improve performance, and stabilize mood. Even in summer, if you sleep during the day without any physical activity, there is no doubt that the body will become a breeding ground for diseases.

But if the body has done the required amount of work, you can take some rest. This is unlikely to cause any harm. Don’t sleep too long for it. It is better to take only 15 to 30 minutes nap in the afternoon. If you sleep more than that, at some point the body will become addicted to afternoon nap.

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