Let’s know the benefits date fruit…?

Vitamin A is abundant in dates. It is essential for eyesight, gut health and skin. Dates are rich in easily digestible pulp and sugar. Eating this gives freshness and energy to the body.

Dates have the ability to absorb and remove bad fats from the intestines. Dates are rich in tannins, an antioxidant. Tannins can act against infection, bleeding and fever.

Similarly, ‘Vitamin A’ is abundant in dates. It is essential for eyesight, gut health and skin. Rich in the excellent antioxidants lutein, ze-xanthin and beta-carotene.

These help to protect the body cells and fight off harmful pre-radicals. It can act against cancers affecting the intestines, throat, breast, lung and stomach organs.

Potassium ore is present in limited quantities. Potassium is essential for cell and body health. It also plays a role in regulating heart rate and blood pressure.

It also prevents strokes and heart diseases. Dates are also rich in B-complex vitamins.

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