Spleen deficiency… alert!

We can live without disease only if all the organs in our body are functioning properly. Apart from the brain, lungs, heart and kidneys, the spleen is also one of the most important human organs. Spleen is closest to the liver in our body. Among the lymphatic organs, it is the largest organ in the body. It is composed of reticular cells within a fibrous network structure.

Although it is relatively small, it plays an important role in fighting certain types of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis. The spleen varies in size and shape among people. But it is usually about the size of a fist, purple in color and four inches long. It is the organ in the upper left part of the stomach.

Major Functions of the Spleen

The main functions of the spleen are to form, store, filter and build immunity. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen; Platelets and white blood cells are stored there.

The Spleen also creates and inspires many thoughts in man; Hence it also plays an important role in mental development. The spleen’s primary functions are to destroy mature red blood cells, stimulate the body and nervous system, and keep the heart and brain functioning properly. Heart-related diseases are more likely to develop if the spleen is not maintained healthy.

Sometimes it can cause high blood pressure, which can result in a heart attack. It destroys unwanted microorganisms in the blood and also stimulates kidney function. Similarly, the spleen also acts as an organ for filtering foreign organisms such as germs from the bloodstream.
Another important function of the spleen is to boost the immune system against blood-borne diseases and stimulate the sweat glands.

Disorders of the spleen

An enlarged spleen leads to hypersplenism. This is a hyperactive state. Even if you don’t eat much, an enlarged spleen can cause pain and an uncomfortable feeling of a full stomach. Splenomegaly is a dangerous condition. Because in this condition the spleen can rupture and bleed. Liver-related problems are one of the main causes of an enlarged spleen.

A ruptured spleen is a condition that occurs when there is intra-hemorrhage in the spleen. Certain diseases such as malaria and other infectious diseases such as infectious mononucleosis cause the spleen to swell and its protective shield to thin. Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which the spleen stores too many platelets to meet its needs. Without platelets, blood does not clot quickly at the site of an injury or cut. This causes excessive blood loss. Splenic infarction is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the spleen is reduced. It is often painful.

Symptoms of spleen damage

Rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, weight gain and excruciating pain in the abdomen, dry and hard tongue are symptoms of spleen degeneration. Other symptoms include pain all over the body, swelling of the legs, sleepiness after eating, feeling tired all the time and jaundice. Sometimes blood pressure and urinary incontinence increase.

Causes of spleen damage

Those who are often angry and irritable and those who are under stress also suffer from Spleen.
There are more chances of getting this disease due to alcoholism, smoking etc.
Due to increase in bile water in the blood, damage to the spleen occurs.
Spleen absorbs blood as heart absorbs blood
Spleen can be affected by inflammation of liver, stomach ulcer, gallbladder and intestines.

Treatment methods

Treatment depends on the disorder and the severity of the injury. Mild cases can be treated with abstinence from alcohol and some changes in diet. Surgical removal is the most common treatment for a ruptured spleen or an enlarged spleen. Although this small organ performs very important functions, it is possible to live without the spleen. Other tissues such as lymph nodes and the liver can perform the functions of the spleen. However, people who have had their spleens removed are more prone to infections. People with other diseases that affect the immune system are more prone to infections.

Doctor’s Advice for a Healthy Spleen

To ensure that you have a healthy spleen, lymphatic system and a properly functioning immune system, one should drink plenty of water, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. A balanced and adequate intake of fruits and vegetables can help maintain a good immune system that protects against external infections and diseases.

Some vegetables that help strengthen the spleen are greens, carrots, beetroot, cucumber, radish, mint, garlic, coconut, sprouted grains and chives. Fruits like guava, grapes, oranges, pineapples, papayas, pomegranates, figs, strawberries, plums help maintain a healthy spleen. Methionine in these vegetables and fruits plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and the functioning of the spleen and bile glands.

Although small, the spleen is an important organ. It works hard to fight infections, get rid of old or damaged blood cells, and keep fluids evenly distributed throughout your body. Many disorders, infections, injuries and diseases can cause problems in the spleen and healthy maintenance of the spleen helps in a healthy life.

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