Almonds and side effects

Almonds are low in calories, carbohydrates and fats. However, excessive consumption of almonds can cause side effects. Almonds are rich in nutrients. Nutrients such as fiber, protein, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, etc. are a long list of nutrients that almonds contain.

From improving bone health and mood to reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, almonds offer countless benefits. Also helps in weight loss. Milk made from almonds is healthy. It is low in calories, carbohydrates and fats.

However, excessive consumption of almonds can cause side effects. Stomach problem Consuming too much almonds can cause digestive problems. You may face intestinal problems like nausea, diarrhea, stomach discomfort.

Apart from almonds, this problem can also be caused by consuming a lot of food items that are rich in nutrients and minerals. Almond milk is naturally not ideal for people with allergy problems. People suffering from incomplete digestion of the sugar (lactose) in milk i.e. people with ‘lactose allergy’ should avoid consuming almond milk.

Thyroid damage Almond milk is considered a ‘goitrogenic food’. This means that when almond milk is consumed in large quantities, it contains chemicals that increase thyroid damage. Therefore, those with low thyroid function and thyroid problems should avoid consuming almond milk.

Side Effects Almond milk is not best for babies. It does not contain the right amount of nutrients required by the baby. Almond milk is generally healthy. But it also has some side effects so it is better to be cautious. Do not drink more than one cup i.e. 240 ml of almond milk daily.

Sugar Commercially prepared almond milk contains more sugar than cow’s milk. So avoid consuming too much.

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