The fig tree is full of medicinal properties

Figs are rich in protein, sugar, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Figs have 4 times more nutrients than other fruits. It is said that something that happens once in a while is like a fig tree. Yes…! It is very rare to see figs in bloom.

The fig tree has that flower that can be used from milk to bark. All its parts including leaves, milk, fruit, pods, pods and bark are used as medicine. It can be said that if we include figs as a part of our daily diet, we will not get any kind of disease. In this article we will see about such a special fig tree…! Figs belong to the tree family.

It has different varieties including native figs, white figs and good figs. This tree can grow up to about 10 meters in height. The bark of the tree is gray and reddish in color. Its leaves have 3 veins. Although the figs have a good smell, if you cut them, you will find small insects and worms inside.

As a result, they generally cannot be eaten unprocessed. Figs are rich in protein, sugar, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Figs have 4 times more nutrients than other fruits. Apart from this, it is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. Processed figs are sold in Unani and country drugstores.

Dried and powdered fig tree leaves can cure pitta and bilious diseases. Bleeding from wounds can be stopped with this. Chronic and festering sores can be cured by washing with this powdered mixture. Its leaves mixed with boiled water and gargled will heal the eyes.

Also heals abscess formation in gums. Figs are excellent blood boosters. A fig that has ripened and ripened on its own can be eaten as is. It can also be eaten by soaking in honey. Figs can quickly digest food and expel bile as sweat and give the body energy.

If you eat figs as they are, you will get bad breath, and if you eat figs every now and then, like eating gooseberries, you will not get bad breath. And this fruit has the power to remove its effects from the roots for those who have that disease.

If you eat wild figs daily, you will get a good solution for all skin discoloration problems including freckles and freckles. Powdered figs mixed with paneer can be applied to cure white spots. To get rid of constipation you can eat fig seeds after your regular meal, it is good to eat 5 figs every night to get rid of chronic constipation problem.

Soaking figs in vinegar for a week and eating 2 fruits daily is an excellent remedy for liver inflammation caused by problems such as drug addiction. Scratch scars can be seen on regular fig trees. All these are scratched for fig milk. Fissures caused by diabetes, rheumatism, swelling of the joints, etc., can be cured quickly by applying ten drops of figs.

Fig milk can be applied topically for rheumatism. Because of this, incisions are made in the fig tree and milk is extracted.

We can go on and on about the countless medical benefits like this. The fig tree has all these qualities. But recently the number of fig trees is decreasing. It is everyone’s duty to increase it and protect the next generation from diseases.

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