Things to do to improve oral hygiene

After eating any kind of food, one should burp and spit it out. If not, drink water and keep your mouth clean. Chocolate, ice cream, biscuits, sweets and fatty foods should not be eaten in excess.

Avoid drinking soda and artificial soft drinks. Do not drink hot coffee or tea or drink it cold. This causes nerve damage and toothache. Fruits should be chewed instead of juices.

Children should be given the habit of chewing cucumbers and carrots. Digestion of food starts from the mouth. So you should taste the food well and eat it mixed with saliva.

Add lime-rich milk, almonds, sesame seeds, greens etc. to the diet. Brush and clean the teeth and mouth area in the morning and before going to bed at night.

After eating any kind of food, one should burp and spit it out. If not, drink water and keep your mouth clean. Drink at least three liters of water daily. Care should be taken to prevent navaratsi and throat dryness.

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