How to choose quality vegetables?

Only if you know which fruit to look for and how to buy, you can select quality vegetables. Here are some tips for… Buying quality vegetables in the market is an art. At first glance, all the vegetables look fresh. Only if you know which fruit to look for and how to buy, you can select quality vegetables.

Here are some tips for that…

Drumsticks: When buying drumsticks, hold the top and bottom of the drumsticks and gently twist them to prevent them from breaking. The skin on the pod should be young green. If only this is the case, it will be Pinjuk Kai. Ripe fruit is slightly dry and bitter. When choosing pods that are more fleshy, choose round pods.

Types of spinach: Take a bunch of lettuce and spread it out and see if the stem is rotting on the inside? Is it complete? That should be seen. Even if the leaves are eaten by insects or the leaves are overripe, avoid buying that vegetable. If it is old spinach then some kind of bad smell will come out from it. It can be detected by sniffing. Don’t buy lettuce beds that are full of flowers.

Eggplant: When buying eggplant, after checking whether there is property on the top, you should buy a fruit that is not eaten by insects. Choose eggplants that are green in color. A small pod of hemp can be avoided. Because it is a bit bitter.

Amla: A pinched amaranth stem will snap when broken gently. If thus firm and unbroken, they are ripe pods. Do not use them for cooking. It is also important to check that there are no insect-infested holes. Do not buy wilted pods.

Tubers: When choosing tubers, buy tubers that are heavy in weight. You should choose and buy tubers that have no green color and peel easily when peeled.

Buy quality vegetables in the above manner and wash them in water mixed with salt and turmeric powder. Then they can be dried without moisture and stored in the refrigerator for ripening.

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