Green vegetables that cause side effects

When eating carrots, it is very important to watch the amount. Eating large amounts of carrots can cause the skin to turn yellow or orange. However, eating too much of certain vegetables can do more harm than good. Let’s see about such vegetables.

Cauliflower Cabbage, such as cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage, should be avoided raw. Especially many people add these vegetables to salads and eat them raw. Eating like that can cause gas and indigestion. There are people who eat cauliflower raw. These vegetables contain a type of sugar that does not dissolve in the stomach. Such sugar dissolves easily only when it is cooked and consumed.


Eating eggplant raw can cause vomiting, dizziness or stomach cramps. Solanine, especially found in eggplant, can cause neurological and gastrointestinal problems. So, eggplant should always be eaten cooked. Avoid eating half-cooked food.


Beetroot helps in increasing hemoglobin level and helps in weight loss. Some eat it mixed in salads and sandwiches. Many people drink beetroot juice. Although it adds health to the body, it should be consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption of beetroot can result in red or pink urine. This is because of the molecules found inside the beetroot. Although there is nothing to fear about it, it is better to consume beetroot in moderation.

Mushrooms are considered one of the best foods rich in vitamin D. Some people will experience allergic skin problems while consuming it. In such a situation, it is better to eat mushrooms fully cooked.


Carrots are rich in various nutrients. But when eating carrots, it is very important to watch the amount. Eating large amounts of carrots can cause the skin to turn yellow or orange. This is because carrots contain beta-carotene. It gets absorbed into the body more. But it gets deposited on the skin without mixing in the blood. Due to this, areas like feet, hands and soles of the feet become discolored.

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