Dehydration in the body…

Here we will look at the amount of water we should drink daily and the consequences of not getting enough water. The quality of water should be as important as how much water we drink.

Boil the water, let it cool and drink. It is not only the world that cannot exist without water, but also the body. Here we will look at the amount of water we should drink daily and the consequences of not getting enough water. Our body is 70 percent water.

Dehydration causes dizziness and palpitations. If the body is properly hydrated, the blood flow will be proper. If the blood flow is proper, kidney function will be normal. People who drink less water are more likely to develop urinary tract stones.

Even if kidney stones are removed surgically, 2 to 3 liters of urine should be excreted daily to prevent recurrence of kidney stones. So they have to drink twice as much water. If you don’t drink a lot of water, you will have thick urine due to the density of the ingredients. It affects health.

People with leg swelling, heart disease, kidney failure problem, people with diabetes should not drink too much water. Excessive accumulation of water in the body of such people can be dangerous. There is a center in the human brain that triggers the sensation of thirst.

It is because of this urge that we feel the need to drink water. In children under 3 years of age and in adults over 70 years of age, there is no stimulation of the thirst center in the brain. So people of this age do not feel thirsty.

It is important to know their thirst and give them water. Otherwise they will become dehydrated. Blood pressure will decrease.

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