Pros and Cons of Cooking Methods!

Cooking methods play an important role in meeting the nutritional needs of the family. If the food looks good and tastes good, it will make you want to eat it. Fruits, vegetables and nuts can be eaten raw. But most foods achieve desirable changes only after cooking. Food is subjected to heat is called cooking.

Basic objectives of cooking

Destruction of microorganisms in food by cooking: Heating food above 40°C rapidly slows bacterial growth. Thus the food is converted into edible quality. The connective tissues in meat, the fiber in grains, pulses and vegetables are softened by cooking. This reduces the curing time of these foods.

Also reduces damage to the lining of the esophagus. Cooking food increases the quality and taste of food. Improves appearance, smell, character, taste. A variety of food products can be prepared from the same type of food product. (U-M) Biryani can be made with rice. At the same time, sweets like Keer can also be prepared.

Food intake increases as food is cooked – Cooking food changes its texture and flavor in a desirable way, allowing more food to be consumed. Cooking makes the nutrients in the food more available to us. (U-M) Eggs contain biotin, a B-group vitamin. But the avidin in it combines with biotin to prevent it from being absorbed.


The process of immersing food items in water at a temperature of 100°C and keeping them at that temperature until they are cooked and tender is called boiling. (U-M): Rice, eggs, pulses, meat, pulses are cooked by boiling method.


Simple method – It does not require any special skills or equipment. Food is cooked evenly. Foods like steamed idli and idiappam are easy to prepare as they are low in fat content. It is suitable for children and the elderly. It is also best to prepare a diet plan.
Can preserve nutrients.


Steam requires special equipment. Only a few types of food can be cooked in this method.


The method of cooking by subjecting steam to high pressure is called pressure boiler method. The equipment for this is a pressure boiler. In this process the temperature of boiling water is raised above 100°C. Rice, pulses, meat, roots, and tubers are commonly cooked in pressure cookers.


Constant high boiling affects the texture and quality of food. Heat-sensitive vitamins B and C are lost as the boiling water drains away. Time wastage : Boiling takes longer to cook. Hence fuel is also wasted. Decolorization – Loss of water soluble pigments causes loss of color in food.


In a pan with an airtight lid, food is slowly boiled in half-immersed water. The liquid is brought to a boil and then reduced to a temperature of 82°C to 90°C, a method of slow cooking. The food in the upper part of the liquid is cooked by the steam. Apples, potatoes, meat and pulses can be cooked using this method.


As the cooked water is not wasted, the nutrients are not wasted. Odor is preserved.


This method takes more time to cook food. So more fuel is required.


Steaming is a quick cooking method with the steam released from the boiling water in the pan. The food to be cooked is steamed in a pan (without direct contact with water). Idli, Custard, Idiyappam are cooked in steam. Vegetables can also be cooked this way.


Less chance of burning out or burning out. The crispness of the food is preserved. (Um) Idli – Food becomes soft and salty. Less cooking time. Fuel consumption is less. Cooking time is less in this method than other methods.

The wastage of nutrients and food odors is greatly reduced. Fuel is saved by cooking multiple items at once. There is less chance of burnout, heatstroke etc. No need for constant monitoring.


Since a pressure boiler has to be purchased, its initial cost cannot be said to be affordable for everyone. Accidents can be avoided only if the method of use, maintenance and protection are known. If the cooking time is calculated accurately, the food will be cooked to the right degree without overcooking.


The process of cooking in a very small amount of liquid at a temperature of 80°C to 85°C, i.e. below boiling point, is called poaching. Eggs and fish are cooked this way.


No special equipment required. Quick cooking, saves fuel. Easy to prepare as no fat is added to food by immersion method.


Water-soaked food tastes less. So not everyone likes to eat it. If you are not careful, the water will dry out and the food will burn. Water-soluble nutrients dissolve in water and are wasted.


While cooking, many times fruits and vegetables need to be peeled instead of being softened. This can be done by blanching. In this method, the food is immersed in boiling water for 5 seconds to 2 minutes depending on its nature. This makes it possible to peel off only the skin of the food without making it soft. Blanching can be done by pouring the required amount of boiling water over the food or by boiling it for a very short time and immediately submerging it in cold water. In this method, the skin of the food is removed so it can be peeled easily.


As the skin peels off easily, food conditioning is improved. It destroys the enzymes that cause food spoilage. Color and aroma are enhanced and the crispiness of food is preserved.


Discarding the cooked water wastes nutrients.


ROASTING In this method food is cooked uncovered on a heated metal plate or pan. (A-to): Groundnut


It is a quick cooking method.

This improves the appearance, flavor and texture of the food.

Spices are ground easily as they are roasted first.


Carelessness can spoil food.

The roasting process changes the properties of proteins, reducing the amount of protein available to the body.


Grilling or grilling is a method of cooking food directly on the stove. In this method the food is placed on top of or in between the rice flour. Waffles, Corn, Phulkas, Chicken are prepared in this way.


Aroma, appearance and taste are enhanced. Less cooking time is taken. Less fat is used.


Care must be taken not to spoil the food.


In this method, food is placed between two heated plates to brown both sides of the food item. Bread slices are prepared by toasting method.


An easy and quick method. Cooking in this way enhances the aroma.


Cooking this way requires special equipment and careful supervision. Otherwise the food will burn.


In this method, food is cooked in dry heat using an oven or an oven-like structure. The oven is normally heated to a temperature of 120°C-260°C. Food is usually cooked on greased paper in uncovered trays in the oven. Bread, cakes, biscuits, pastries and meat are prepared in this way.


Saute is a method of cooking by putting a little oil in a pan, shaking the food carefully up and down. The pan is covered with a lid. The rate of heating is reduced. The food is cooked until it becomes tender in the steam released from it.

The food is periodically turned up and down with a spoon. This ensures that all the pieces of food are cooked evenly along with the oil.
The material obtained by this method is soft with slight moisture. But there is no liquid or slurry. Sautéed foods are usually not a staple of a meal plan. Vegetables to be eaten with the main meal can be prepared in this way. When sautéing is combined with other cooking methods, a variety of dishes can be prepared.


Very less time is spent in cooking. This method is very simple. Very little oil is used.


Constant monitoring is required. Otherwise it will burn.


In this method, the food to be cooked is placed in a large amount of hot oil and cooked. If the food item is completely immersed in hot oil (Deep Fat Frying) it is called fried food. Examples of fried foods are samosas, chips, baguettes


The baking method gives the food a unique aroma. Food becomes soft and salty (a-to) Cakes, custard, bread are just a few foods that can be prepared in this way. (A-to) Cake, Roti. This method can be used to prepare similar products in large quantities.

(A-to) bun, bread.
Improves flavor and texture. Can prepare a wide variety of foods.


Special equipment like oven is required. This method requires special skill in baking to get the perfect texture, color and aroma.

Food can spoil without careful monitoring.

Fry in little oil

Shallow Fat Frying is a method in which a small amount of oil is placed in the oil and the food is turned over on both sides. The food is cooked until it turns brown. (U-M) Omelette, Cutlet, Paratha.


A very quick cooking method. Cooking in fat or oil increases the energy level of the food.

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