Going to bed at 10pm can reduce cardiovascular risk – new information from international study

Immediate medical advice is necessary if a person has insomnia or frequent awakenings from sleep or breathing problems at night. Sleep is the best way to relax and rejuvenate our body. Proper sleep relieves physical and mental stress.

It also reduces the risk of developing various diseases including cardiovascular complications. An international study was conducted on the optimal time to sleep to ensure a healthy heart. According to this study, if you sleep between 10 and 11 pm, you can reduce the risk of heart disease.

A research institute in the UK analyzed information from 88,000 people between the ages of 43 and 79. The study revealed that those who slept after 11 pm had a higher risk of heart disease than those who went to sleep between 10 and 11 pm.

Lack of sleep causes problems like high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. Thus it is emphasized that at least 7 hours to 8 hours of sleep is necessary every day. A more recent finding suggests a possible link between sleep onset and cardiovascular risk. Dr. David Plans says, “This study points to the optimal time to sleep in a 24-hour cycle. Sleeping after midnight is very dangerous.

If you sleep between 10 pm and 11 pm, you can reduce the risk of heart disease. This has come to light through research,” he said. At the same time, it has been suggested that 10 or 11 pm is not the best time to sleep for everyone. Bangalore Aster CMI Dr. Sanjaypat, senior consultant of the hospital said:- There is no such thing as a perfect time to sleep.

Getting exactly 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is essential for a healthy heart and healthy body function. Don’t use alcohol or pills to get a good night’s sleep. Immediate medical advice is necessary if a person has insomnia or frequent awakenings from sleep or breathing problems at night. This is what he said.

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